Produced in 2000, this is the 20th anniversary of Combat Films' documentary production of Helen Foster Snow: Witness to Revolution. The content of this film is as relevant today as it was when the film was made. Young Helen Snow's journey begins in China in the 1930's, a decade marked by profound uncertainty and sweeping change. In the wake of the collapse of the ancient dynastic system the country fell into political chaos as competing warlords terrorized the countryside. Chiang Kai-Shek's Nationalist Party was engaged in a mortal struggle against the communist forces of Mao Zedong for control of the nation. Meanwhile, Japan invaded Manchuria, and threatened the survival of China itself. It was in this unstable and dangerous environment that aspiring American Author Helen Foster Snow found herself when she arrived in China in 1931. She spent the next decade working as a writer, an activist, and humanitarian. She is one of the few Western eyewitnesses to the gathering Chinese Communist revolution. Shot on location in China, this carefully documented film considers her important role during this turning point in the birth of modern China.


The DVD version is ideal for libraries, institutions, and historians, those who want quality historical programming "on the shelf." Digital download available on Vimeo On Demand.


Running Time: 57:00

Technical Specifications: 4:3 Letterbox

DVD contains both English and Chinese film versions


Helen Foster Snow:

Witness to Revolution


Helen Foster Snow


Combat Films & Research is a production company that has shot and produced international stories. We have expanded to  also shoot everything between commercial, corporate and educational.



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